Our Courses

Discover Freediving Half-Day (60usd)
A full morning to have a taste of what it’s all about. Beginning with our Stretching for Freediving class we learn how to stretch our lungs bigger, soften our body and detach so as to hold our breath significantly longer. We then go through in-depth Theory over breakfast discovering that the human body is meant to dive and learning how to keep ourselves safe before donning wetsuits and going for a dive. Reach depths of up to 10m.

Intro Course Full-Day (100usd)
A densely packed day of diving for those who aren’t quite ready for the Wave 1 Certification but are keen to get the fins on…
We kick things off with out signature Stretching for Freediving class in which we learn how to stretch our lungs bigger, soften our body and detach so as to hold our breath significantly longer. We then go through in-depth Theory over breakfast discovering that the human body is meant to dive and learning how to keep ourselves safe.
We then hop into the ‘pool’ (lakeshore shallows) to figure out the duck dive and finning technique, applying the breathhold in the underwater environment.
Finally, Rounding out the day with a dive session in which we put all the elements of a freedive together!
An intense yet extremely valuable introduction to freediving…

AIDA 2 Course (280usd)
The first full steps to becoming a freediver, the aquatic mammal you’re meant to be. Suitable for absolute beginners, those who are keen to connect with the water on a deeper level, test themselves in an interesting sport or learn proper techniques, mindset and safety for underwater recreation.
Our Wave 1 Course perfectly sets up an individual with the knowledge and confidence required to start their freediving journey. Reach depths of up to 20m.
3 Dive sessions
Stretching for Freediving
Dynamic confined water session
In-Depth Theory
Online Learning Materials
Certification (upon completion)
Lifetime membership to AIDA training platform and learning centre.
Courses include all gear, online learning material and certification upon completion of requirements. In the case dive requirements aren’t met during the course, one additional training session is offered at no extra cost.

AIDA 3 Course (300usd)
For those ready to take the next step. Our Wave 2 Course is designed to increase efficiency in technique as well as develop deeper levels of calm in the mind and body. As we push beyond the limits of val salva equalisation, frenzel technique must be introduced and/or refined.
Reach depths of up to 30m.
4 Dive Sessions
Stretching for Freediving
Dynamic Pool Session
In-Depth Theory
Specialised Equalisation Theory
Online Learning Materials
Certification (upon completion)
Lifetime membership to AIDA training platform and learning centre.
Courses include all gear, online learning material and certification upon completion of requirements. In the case dive requirements aren’t met during the course, one additional training session is offered at no extra cost.

Explore and Train
Lake Atitlan is one of this planet’s most beautiful bodies of water and its wonders don’t stop below the surface. Join us on a safari excursion to multiple dive-sites and swim-throughs.
Already done a course? Still keen to dive more confidently, comfortably and deep? Come out for a training session with us!

Yoga, Meditation, Breathholds
Stretch your lungs bigger.
Learn to hold your breath.
Meditate, detach, perhaps even levitate!
There’s plenty we can do to improve our diving, or wield the freediving psyche to explore unparalleled states of consciousness.
Join us on the mat today for our Stretching for Freediving session!

Book a Course
Whatever takes your fancy, book yourself a spot below.